This is a post written for the iWeb blog while we were playing with WordPress 3.7 automatic updates. We wrote a plugin which overrides the check WordPress makes to determine whether a site is running under version control. We gitignore WordPress and only version our own themes and plugins. The plugin allows WordPress to automatically […]
Read MoreWeb Development
Building a store listing page in WordPress

This is a post written for the iWeb Control blog in response to Corbin’s request for additional documentation on how to go about displaying map data on the front end when using my map CMB field plugin. The post aims to provide a working example covering a number of WordPress techniques from the basics of registering a […]
Read MoreGet an excerpt from a specific post ID or post object with a variable excerpt length

I wrote a super small post over on the iWeb Control blog to share a WordPress snippet originally written by Pippin Williamson. It’s a neat function iweb_get_excerpt_by_id() which returns an excerpt of a posts content. It has a number of parameters which give it a little more power over the default WordPress excerpt function. It’s possible to […]
Read MoreAdd a logout link shortcode to WordPress

This is a post written for the iWeb Control blog. A super quick snippet useful for membership sites. Membership plugins such as s2Member and ecommerce plugins like WooCommerce utilise the built-in WordPress user authentication system. If you run a WordPress site which allows users to login, you may wish to include a logout link within […]
Read MoreAdd Mixcloud oEmbed support to WordPress

This is a post written for the iWeb Control blog. The original post was included in a Trac ticket to support the inclusion of Mixcloud in WordPress Core and it looks likely that WordPress 4.0 will indeed introduce native oEmbed support for Mixcloud. WordPress comes with a built-in whitelist of oEmbed providers. oEmbed allows us to easily embed […]
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