This is a post written for the iWeb blog after launching iWeb’s first public WordPress plugin. The snappily named Background Update Notification Email Address plugin is not only iWeb’s first public plugin, but also my first plugin published on the WordPress plugin repository. In the blog post I discuss the problem solved and the process […]
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Making friends with your customers

This is a post written for the iWeb blog. I’m told if you can get past the spammy first paragraph (which, believe it or not, I wrote voluntarily) there’s some good stuff in there… The post aims to give the reader a brief overview of corporate social media marketing with an example of both good and […]
Read MoreMoving WordPress with a safe search and replace tool

This is a post I wrote for the iWeb blog looking at interconnect/it’s safe search and replace tool. A handy script used while moving WordPress from one location to another. The script performs a find and replace on the database without breaking the integrity of serialised data. WordPress generates and stores absolute URLs in it’s […]
Read MoreExclude your plugin from update checks in WordPress 3.7

In order to keep your plugins up-to-date, WordPress sends information about all it’s plugins (including any inactive ones) to There are concerns around the information sent as it includes details on each plugin’s developer including name and website address. While not much of a privacy issue for public plugins, there are implications for plugins […]
Read MoreChange WordPress auto update email address

This is a post written for the iWeb blog while playing with WordPress 3.7 automatic updates. The default WordPress behaviour following an attempted update is to send an email notification to the admin email address set under Settings → General. We wrote a small plugin ideal for those who manage WordPress on their client’s behalf. The plugin […]
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