It’s been a while since I updated my blog, I’ve been busy with university – coming to the end of the first semester. I’m studying Computing Science: Web Development, a four year course (including a years work placement in the third year). I’m living in halls at Staffordshire University, the Stafford campus. I have a small room, restricted internet usage, but apart from that its a nice place!
I’ve been keeping busy, during freshers week I met the most amazing girl in the world, Tasha. We met at one of the union organised events, Tony Lee’s XXX hypnotist comedy night.
We’ve been ice-skating, the first time since going with my secondary school!
Spent a weekend in Portsmouth with Tasha’s best friend, Shona. Went out on the Saturday night to a comedy night/club. The next morning we took a day trip to London, traveling on the train.
A few weeks back we went to see Pendulum performing live in Birmingham, a totally different experience to when I saw them with Nick in May. Definitely worth it.
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